Posts Tagged ‘winter’

Why Eczema is Worse in Winter

If you have suffered from dry irritating skin rashes, you may have noticed an external factor that triggered this irritating condition. You may or may not be suffering from a skin condition called eczema. For those of you who have it, you may know that there are certain triggers that can result in annoying flare ups. Some factors that can worsen your condition are water, certain types of food, humidity, weather conditions, clothing, and soap. Weather is one of the biggest factors that can worsen your eczema, and it is known to be at its worst in the winter.

Most areas of the world have cold winters, excluding places such as the Caribbean or other tropical location. Winter weather conditions can include harsh northerly winds, snow, low humidity, dry air and cold weather. These factors can cause your skin to become very dry. It is so important to stay moisturized and wear protective clothing when you have to face winter conditions. Even if you don’t have eczema, you have probably noticed that your skin is dry in the winter and you are constantly applying lotion or other types of moisturizers.

Cold air and low humidity can dry your skin and it removes the moisture your skin needs. Because these are common winter conditions, it tends to make your eczema worse during this season. It can be hard to stay moisturized when the weather doesn’t change and continues to stay cold. Also, central heating inside your home will also dry your skin. To combat these factors you can humidify your home with a humidifier and wear gloves when you go outside.

A lot of people wear wool in the winter because the material keeps you so warm. However, this can cause a lot of itching which can worsen an eczema flare up. It is hard to dress warm when the weather is so cold without irritating your skin. Adding on extra layers to your outfit can also cause you to sweat which will induce a flare up. When dressing for the winter, you have to find a happy medium.

Unfortunately, the weather conditions cannot be changed in the winter and typically eczema is worse during this season. During the spring is when most people with eczema notice that they have less flare ups. If you are living in a location with a cold climate and harsh winter conditions, be sure to moisturize your skin with an organic eczema oil or lotion. This can manage a flare up if you happen to have one. The winter months will bring on more flare ups because of the cold air so staying moisturized becomes a necessity for the health of your skin.

About the Author: Melanie Nader is the founder of the Homestead Company which makes premium quality natural skin care products including eczema oil and diaper ointment made with the finest 100% natural ingredients. For more information, visit

Protecting Your Baby’s Skin in Winter

Winter conditions such as dry winds, cold temperatures, snow, and rain can be harmful for your baby. It is common for babies and young children to get sick in the winter because of decreasing temperatures and the flu season. The harsh winter weather alone can cause damage to your baby’s skin. Their skin is so sensitive and can become irritated more so than adults’ skin. Cold winter air and dry, heated indoor air can cause irritation and dryness of the skin making eczema flare ups more frequent. Here are some ways to protect your baby’s skin during the winter.

When bathing your baby, be extra cautious of the water temperature. You should always practice safe bathing techniques, not just in the winter. The temperature should be lukewarm, a mixture of hot and cold water. Cold water will making your baby uncomfortable and water that is too hot can dry the skin out more or burn their sensitive skin. Also, use soap made from natural products that aren’t too heavily scented. Unnatural products can contain harsh chemicals that could make a winter rash worse. Moisturizing after bathing is smart because the skin is clean. It is common for babies to suffer from eczema, so using eczema oil will help to prevent that.

You may be surprised to know that babies can regulate their body temperature just as well as adults can. Don’t dress your baby in too many layers trying to keep them warm. If your baby becomes overheated they may develop an irritating heat rash. Keep your baby warm with jackets and blankets. Dress your baby in material that can breathe a little such as cotton. Dress your baby as you would dress yourself. It is common to add an extra layer of clothing to your outfit to stay warm, but only layer up once.

Adults and babies are often irritated by chapped lips during the winter. It may not seem like your baby’s lips could get chapped because they appear moist from drooling, teething, or having a pacifier. You can use a lip balm on your baby but make sure it isn’t the kind that has a tint of color. Find an organic brand that won’t cause irritation. Using lip balm will add a protective layer that will heal or prevent chapped lips.

To protect your baby’s hands and feet, which are often exposed to the outside elements, you can use gloves and socks. Wearing gloves will protect your baby’s hands from cold winter winds. When skin is exposed to wind, cold air, and other elements, the skin can become very dry. A lot of heat is also lost through the tops of our heads. Find a cute, little beanie or hat for your baby to wear. Unlike adults, some babies don’t have a lot of hair to keep the tops of their heads warm.

About the Author: Melanie Nader is the founder of the Homestead Company which makes premium quality natural skin care products including eczema oil and diaper ointment made with the finest 100% natural ingredients. For more information, visit