Posts Tagged ‘organic foods’

Your body benefits when you eat organic non processed foods!

I’m constantly striving to do what’s right by my body. It’s a constant struggle. But there are definitely good benefits to eating a highly organic, no processed diet. If you are existing on all the foods in the middle aisles of the store you are not getting the nutrients that your body needs to sustain itself. You often hear that you need to eat on the outside walls of the grocery store and that is exactly right. That is where your calcium, folic acid, vitamins, minerals and protein are. If you are able to buy organic that is so good for you and for the environment. I know not everyone can afford organic. If you can’t afford organic try to get it on the one thing your family eats a lot of. For example, my family loves strawberries and salads. I can’t afford everything organic but these two items I make it a point to buy organic.

Cutting animal products back in your diet is also good for your body. Animal products contribute to most diseases found in the U.S. today. When you cut back on animal products and the processed foods, you are eating the way we ate back in the turn of the 20th century. One thing I heard the other day stood out to me. A man was discussing how his family uses meat to flavor their meals. They are not the main ingredient in his meals. Now that is a great way to think of your meat.  The average American fills half of their plate with meat.  Try this instead, if you have a family of 4 use 1/2 lb ground turkey, in say, making sloppy joes and use lentils for the other 1/2 lb. In this way you are getting the meat texture but you are also getting the lentils which are a superfood!

Processed food has stripped away everything that was once good about that food. You end up getting about 1/10th of the nutrients that you would get from eating a whole food (like an apple instead of  apple flavored cereal or cookies). I believe that the outside of your body reflects what is going on inside. By making sure you are eating well you can head off other diseases that happen because of eating the wrong foods.  Eczema can be thought of as a disorder that shows you when something is going on.  We have seen in our own personal experience that when you improve the way you eat eczema flare ups occur less and less frequently. Make sure you eat right for you and your body. After all, this is the only body we get. Treat it right and feed yourself properly with good healing foods.

Healthy Eating for Kids

A lot of toddlers and small children can be very finicky eaters. As a parent, you may find it difficult to convince your younger kids to eat healthy foods. It is especially important for your kids to eat healthy if they have a common skin condition such as eczema. The foods they eat affect their health, their skin, attitude, and energy. You may try bribing your kids to eat with toys, have endless battles at the dinner table, or give in and feed them cookies and candy. If you want your kids to eat healthy, here are some tips to get them to eat the foods that are good for them.

One of the best tips as a parent is to start your children young on healthy eating. When they are babies, feed them organic fruit and vegetable purees. When they start drinking juice, buy organic brands that do not add sugars or artificial substances. Your child will develop a pallet for healthy eating starting from the time they are a baby. It will be easier for you to feed your kids healthy fruits and vegetables. If you start feeding them sweet juices, processed foods, or candy than it can be hard later on to encourage them to eat healthier foods.

On the other hand, it is never too late to start eating healthy and organic if you and your kids are not already. Another great tip to get your kids to eat right is to involve them in the kitchen while you are cooking and grocery shopping. Encourage them to help you prepare dinner or snacks and to pick out food in the produce section. The produce section in the grocery store is a great place to teach your kids about healthy eating by naming fruits and vegetables. You can also teach them math and colors with the bright colored produce.

How you prepare food can make a difference when you introduce healthy food or encourage your kids to eat. When you are preparing snacks, you can cut fruit in fun shapes or prepare vegetables like finger foods. When you are serving vegetables, sometimes it will help if you have dip or dressing. You can also serve apple slices with organic peanut butter or cheese, and it tastes really good. It can help if you let your kids choose what they want for a snack too. You can limit their choices to a few things such as fruit, vegetables, or cheese and crackers. If you have other healthy snack ideas you can have that as a choice as well.

Having your kitchen filled with healthy foods will set a good example, and your kids will see that you are a family of healthy eaters. If you have processed foods that are high in sugar, high fructose corn syrup, or artificial ingredients you should replace the items with healthy organic products. Have your fridge filled with fruits and vegetables and raw milk and cheeses.

About the Author: Melanie Nader is the founder of the Homestead Company which makes premium quality natural skin care products including eczema oil and diaper ointment made with the finest 100% natural ingredients. For more information, visit