Posts Tagged ‘diaper ointment’

Common Conditions for Newborns

Being a new parent can be challenging and fearful at times. New parents have to learn the different types of cries their newborns will make, and what needs they need to meet. Is your baby tired, hungry, in pain, sick, or do they need a diaper change? It is common for newborns to develop conditions within the first four to six after bringing them home from the hospital. There are common conditions your newborn may have such as jaundice or colic. Here are some of the common conditions your newborns may have within the first few months after they are born.

A lot of babies have a higher inner core temperature than their parents have. You may think that your baby has a fever when they do not have one. However, it is common for newborns to have some type of infection that will also make them have a fever. If your baby feels warmer than usual, you should check their temperature. If the thermometer reads more than 100.4 degrees, then they have a fever and may be sick. Newborns can have infections passed from the mother at birth, and can get fevers easily at birth if the birthing room is too hot. They can also get colds easily and might have a runny or stuffed up nose.

Diaper rash is also very common for newborns and older babies. Their skin is so sensitive that rashes come very easily to their skin. Wearing diapers for long periods of time is a common trigger for a diaper rash. As a new parent, you also have to find a brand of diapers that does not irritate your baby’s skin. You may have to try different brands and materials used for diapers. If your baby gets diaper rash often you may need to use cloth or chlorine free diapers. Some baby wipes can also cause irritation, and an organic diaper wipe companion can help clear the rash. It is important to use an organic diaper ointment with every changing as well to help prevent a diaper rash.

Skin conditions such as cradle cap, jaundice, thrush, and eczema are very common for newborn babies. Eczema is a dry skin condition that can cause blistering, itchy skin, inflammation, and a reddening of the skin. It is very common for young children and babies. Cradle cap is similar to eczema and it causes the skin on the scalp to become very dry. Both of these skin conditions can be treated with organic eczema oil. Thrush is caused from yeast infections which are commonly caused from moist diapers. Thrush occurs in the mouth and appears with white spots and patches on the tongue and inside the mouth. If your newborn has yellow skin they most likely have jaundice. Your baby needs more sunlight to clear up the yellow tinting of the skin.

If your new baby has any of these common conditions, there is no need to over react or become too scared. If you are treating any of the skin problems, always use organic products. They are safer and more effective for healing. They do not contain any synthetic ingredients that can cause further problems. If your baby is sick or has a fever do not ignore their symptoms. Treat the fever or cold properly to ensure their health. If you are worried the illness is severe or does not heal within 24 hours, contact your doctor.

About the Author: Melanie Nader is the founder of the Homestead Company which makes premium quality natural skin care products including eczema oil and diaper ointment made with the finest 100% natural ingredients. For more information, visit

Diaper Bag Necessities for your Baby

When you are getting ready to leave your house for a day out, you probably only need to grab your purse or wallet and a sweater or light jacket to be on your way. However, when you have a newborn baby or small child leaving the house is not as easy. A day out or even a short trip to the grocery store requires a little planning and a lot of preparation. It can be helpful to have a diaper bag packed and ready to go at all times to make things a little easier on you when you have to go out. Pack the bag with all the necessities you may need at night, and refill what you have used during the day.

First and most important is to have a diaper bag that fits your needs as the parent. You want a bag that has enough space for your babies’ necessitates, but you also want a bag that is easy to carry. It is also important to have a bag where you can pull items out with ease because there are times in the car when you are desperate for a bottle or a toy to give your baby. Some parents prefer to use a backpack, and others prefer a stylish bag that resembles a purse. Be sure that the bag you choose is big enough for all the items your baby needs.

Babies eat a lot of small meals throughout the day. If your baby is still bottle feeding, you know that you go through a lot of bottles. It is important to have bottles, formula, and water in your diaper bag. If your baby does not drink formula, you may want to have some formula packets in the bag for emergencies. You can also find soy or rice milk in small containers for lunches that you can keep in the bag. Have some bottled baby food in there if your baby is eating solid food. Depending on the age of your baby will depend on what food or snacks you keep in the bag.

Besides the diaper bag being the most important essential, the most necessary item to have in the bag are diapers and diaper changing items. You never know when your baby will need to be changed, and as parents we know that babies can go through ten or more diapers a day. In addition to diapers, you will need wipes, diaper ointment, baby wipe companion, and disposable changing pads. A great tip when you are out is to also have plastic bags in case you are changing a diaper in your car and there is not a trashcan nearby. In case there is a mess or accident, a change of clothes is also very helpful.

You never know when your baby will get cranky or tired. Having comfort items in the diaper bag is another necessity. You can pack a few small stuffed animals or toys that your baby likes to snuggle or play with. Soft blankets are another great comfort item. Depending on the age of your child, you may need to pack pacifiers or teething rings as well. If your child gets a scratch or cut, you should have band aids or some type of first aid materials to comfort their wounds.

About the Author: Melanie Nader is the founder of the Homestead Company which makes premium quality natural skin care products including eczema oil and diaper ointment made with the finest 100% natural ingredients. For more information, visit

Differences between a Yeast Infection and Diaper Rash

It is common to confuse a yeast infection with a diaper rash, especially for a new parent. It is important to determine which type of baby rash your child has so that it can be treated properly. Both rashes, if left untreated, can become very painful and chronic. Irritating skin rashes like these should be treated immediately so they do not get out of control and cause pain to your baby. There are differences in the appearance and causes of yeast infections and diaper rash. Here are signs that you can look for when determining if your baby has either a yeast infection or a diaper rash.

It is not unusual for a baby to develop a yeast infection at some point in time. We naturally have yeast in our bodies that is found in the mouth, bowels, and skin and it grows in damp, warm places. This is why it is common for babies to develop a yeast infection when they have a diaper rash or are wearing diapers. You may also notice that if your baby has thrush, a yeast infection in the mouth, they will also have a diaper rash or a yeast infection on their bottom.

A yeast infection looks different from diaper rash, which is how you can tell which type of baby rash they are suffering from. A yeast infection will make the skin have a lot of little red bumps. Some of the bumps may have puss in them, and the skin will look somewhat scaly. It looks more like eczema than it does another type of skin rash that can make your skin red. If you are treating the rash and it does not clear up within two days, then it is most likely a yeast infection. The infection should be treated with a baby safe yeast infection cream.

A diaper rash will make the skin read but does not have little bumps that are puss filled. The rash will be very red and well defined. You can see the line where the skin is infected and where it is healthy. This type of rash will clear up within two days when it is being treated with diaper ointment. Organic products to treat either a yeast infection or diaper rash are important to use because they do not contain any synthetic ingredients or chemicals that could worsen the health of your baby’s skin. Unlike a yeast infection, a diaper rash is caused from the skin being irritated from using the wrong type of product and wearing a diaper for long periods of time.

Once you can tell if your baby has either a yeast infection or diaper rash, you can then properly treat the skin. Keep in mind that the appearance of the rashes will be different and the way they are treated is different.

About the Author: Melanie Nader is the founder of the Homestead Company which makes premium quality natural skin care products including eczema oil and diaper ointment made with the finest 100% natural ingredients. For more information, visit

Potty Training 101

An important milestone in your child’s development is potty training, also referred to as toilet training. It is a time when your little baby becomes a big girl or big boy, and they are one step further in their independence. If you are prepared and research tips, facts, and methods on potty training the experience can be less daunting and stressful for you and your child. You should have all your supplies before you start in on the process and teaching, and encourage your child to shop with your for the supplies you need. Here are some potty training tips and list of supplies that you will find helpful as you begin your journey towards potty training.

Although most parents don’t want to spoil their children too much, candy and rewards during the process is very necessary. Also, don’t feel too guilty when you bribe your child with new toys or candy when they use their potty chairs or toilets. Going to the bathroom is a good thing, but you should also teach your child that they won’t get a special treat every time they use the adult bathroom. Candy and toy rewards should be small, and for example you can give one piece of small candy not an entire bag. Giving small rewards and keeping an encouraging attitude will make your child want to be potty trained and they will feel good about themselves too.

Being prepared is the most important tip. You should prepare for the worst and expect the best during potty training. There are going to be accidents because that is an inevitable part of this process. Things you will include diapers, pull up diapers, diaper ointment, underwear, and some type of children’s potty training seat or toilet. You can buy potty chairs or attachments that go on top of your toilet. Some parents like to use a potty chair and then focus potty training using the regular toilet.

You shouldn’t throw out any diapers that you have because you may need to put diapers on your child at night. You should focus on teaching your child the feeling they have when they need to go to the bathroom during the day. A lot of kids are heavy sleepers, so you will still need them to wear diapers at night during the first part of the process. Your child can still get diaper rashes from wearing them at night, so you will still need to use diaper ointment so that rash doesn’t get out of control. You should use pull up diapers or underwear during the day.

As a parent, you will need to practice patience with your child. Potty training can take a lot of time because it is so new for a child. They have to learn where to go the bathroom, how to undress themselves, how to tell their parents when they need to go, and how to control the muscles that control when they go to the bathroom. You will have to teach them how to feel when they need to go and to hold it in until they are properly situated on their potty chair or toilet. There will be accidents and clean ups on a daily basis. Remember to be patient with your child and not to scold them for having an accident. Keep the tone and mood positive and encourage your child often.

About the Author: Melanie Nader is the founder of the Homestead Company which makes premium quality natural skin care products including eczema oil and diaper ointment made with the finest 100% natural ingredients. For more information, visit

Babies with Thrush and Diaper Rash

There are different signs and symptoms that let a parent know when their child has a diaper rash. It can be a chronic issue that is very uncomfortable and sometimes painful. It should be treated properly and not left ignored. Diaper rash itself can also be a symptom of another underlying problem that your baby may have. Thrush is a form of a yeast infection just like other rashes are. Some rashes are caused by Candida albicans which is a type of yeast. If your baby does have thrush, it is not uncommon that they will also have a rash from their diaper.

There are side effects that thrush causes that will help you determine if your baby has it or not. The symptoms look different from a rash caused by a diaper. Thrush only occurs in the mouth and there will by small white patches on the roof of the mouth, the sides, and on their tongue. Most parents say that it looks like there is milk stuck on their baby’s mouth. Usually newborns develop this type of rash and it’ll occur up to four to six weeks after birth.

Unlike other rashes, thrush can go untreated. It usually doesn’t cause a lot of pain or irritation. If your child does appear to be uncomfortable, you may need to treat it with an antifungal like you do with other rashes such as diaper rash. If there is discomfort, it will usually only be when they are feeding. The rash should clear up within a couple of weeks on its own. If it doesn’t, you may need to consult your doctor about the rash.

Unlike a diaper rash, there is nothing that can be done to prevent thrush from occurring. A rash caused from diapers can be prevented and treated with diaper ointment. Thrush is not as severe as some other types of rashes that cannot be left untreated. If your child does develop thrush, it is more important for you to treat the diaper rash that may also appear because of the Candida albicans. If you are breastfeeding, you also need to watch for thrush to appear on your own body. It can pass from child to mother and vice versa. You can treat thrush on your body with an antifungal.

If your newborn develops these types of rashes, be sure to give them a little extra love and attention. Be sure that the rashes don’t get too severe or bothersome to your baby. Thrush isn’t dangerous to your child’s health but it shouldn’t be ignored either. Treat any rashes that may develop.

About the Author: Melanie Nader is the founder of the Homestead Company which makes premium quality natural skin care products including eczema oil and diaper ointment made with the finest 100% natural ingredients. For more information, visit

Introducing Solid Foods to your Baby

Around four to six months your baby will start to have more control of their own bodies. For example, they will have better head control and will start to sit up. At this time, you may also start to notice your baby gaining weight at a steady, healthy rate. You will also see your baby become more curious about foods that you and your family are eating. When you see these changes, you will know they are a sure sign to start your baby on solid foods. Introducing solid foods is an exciting time to learn and educate yourself and your baby about what foods are healthy and what they like or dislike.

Introducing solid foods should be done with caution and care. Your baby is now getting more nutrition and vitamins than milk or formula has to offer. They are also trying new flavors and textures some of which they will like and some they will spit out. As a parent, you also have to be aware of food allergies. It’s really important to record any foods that your baby doesn’t like or experiences food allergies with.

Starting solid foods wills also need to be supplemented with milk or formula (preferably a raw milk formula). You don’t want to drastically make the switch to solids, but gradually work your way to only feeding your baby solid foods. It is best to start at feed your baby once a day with foods that are easy to digest for one meal, and have them bottle feed or nurse the rest of the day. Some good first foods are organic, soft boiled egg yolk from pastured hens, banana, avocado, papaya or mango. Feeding grains at this young age could lead to grain allergies as they get older. As they reach 10 months you can start incorporating more fruits, vegetables, and meats into their diet.

When preparing foods, remember not add any other seasoning or sweeteners. Sugar is very unhealthy for young children, and this also includes honey. Anything with honey or corn syrup can make your child very ill, and should only be introduced into their diets after they are one year old. Fruit juice should be avoided as well, they provide empty calories and may keep your baby from eating more nutrient dense foods. You may start to notice that your baby will start to get really bad diaper rash with the solid food, so be sure to use diaper ointment when you change them.

The introduction of solid foods should be done at a gradual rate. Let your baby get used to using the muscles in their mouths to swallow food. The taste and texture will be new. Also, you should introduce one type of solid food at a time., and then when adding a vegetable or fruit only try one type a day. Introduce bananas one day and peas the next day for example. Your baby will start to develop an interest in certain types of flavors.

About the Author: Melanie Nader is the founder of the Homestead Company which makes premium quality natural skin care products including eczema oil and diaper ointment made with the finest 100% natural ingredients. For more information, visit

Preparing for Your Newborn

Preparing to bring your newborn home can be just as challenging as taking care of your baby. Taking care of your new child involves being prepared for any situation or normal occurrence that will arise. A newborn will need their diapers changed often throughout the day, will need to eat eight to twelve times a day, be changed into new clothes, and will have other needs throughout the day and night. Preparing for your newborn should be done before they are brought home from the hospital. Here are some nursery room essentials you will need to prepare yourself for bringing your baby home.

Decorating the nursery room can be a lot of fun and also educational for your baby. Choose colors or wallpapers with primary colors or soft pastels. You can choose colors that will stimulate your baby or soothe them if it’s a room you plan on using for sleep only. Also, there are certain pieces of furniture that are essential in a nursery. You will need a crib that is safe, sturdy, and reliable. A diaper changing table or a designated area for changing is critical because you will be changing diapers so often. Your baby will also have a lot of toys, blankets, and clothes so organizational pieces such as a dresser or shelves will be very helpful.

Once the decorating and filling the room is complete, you can purchase other items such as bedding, clothes, and toys. Your crib will need blankets, mattress pads, and crib sheets. An essential for safety is having a monitor hung on the side of a crib. To help your baby fall asleep you can buy a mobile that plays music and turns little toys. Your newborn will also need a lot of clothes. They will accidents during the day, and you’ll see that their clothes will get dirty from spit ups. You should have a lot of socks, onesies, soft clothing, and bibs. A newborn doesn’t necessarily need a lot of toys, so you can worry about buying them after they are a few months old.

The diaper changing station will need to be stocked with essential items at all times. You will utilize this area of the nursery a lot because babies need to be changed often. Besides having a lot of diapers on hand, there are other items that will be helpful. If you are using wipes, a wipe warmer is nice because your baby won’t have to be bothered by a cold diaper wipe. You should also have a baby wipe companion because it can help prevent diaper rash. diaper ointment is essential because rashes come often when babies are in diapers.

As your newborn develops a routine and has their own wants and needs, you may need other nursery room essentials. You might need items such as humidifiers, baby swings, a rocking chair, clothes hamper, or sleep soothers.

About the Author: Melanie Nader is the founder of the Homestead Company which makes premium quality natural skin care products including eczema oil and diaper ointment made with the finest 100% natural ingredients. For more information, visit

Different Types of Baby Rashes

You may think that the only type of rash that a baby can have is a rash from their diaper. However, there are different types of rashes that your baby can suffer from. Their skin is so sensitive and is constantly being exposed to new materials, creams, and other elements. Everything is new to a baby and they may come in contact with something that can cause a rash. It is common for babies to have rashes, and you should know what they have before effectively treating it. Here are some of the different types of baby rashes.

A lot of babies are born with a rash called cradle cap. It is caused by clogged pores that normally occur on the scalp, face, or neck of your newborn. It can be easily treated. Luckily, this rash doesn’t irritate like other rashes do. You can treat this rash with baby oil or special infant shampoos. This skin will appear to look yellow in color, have dry patches, scaly looking skin, or flaking of the skin. It is similar to dandruff, but cradle cap only appears on newborn babies.

Another type of rash that normally occurs on a baby’s face is called prickly heat or miliaria. This often occurs if you live in a warm climate or if your infant is too hot. When your baby produces sweat, their pores can become clogged. As a result of this, little bumps can appear on their nose. The rash usually comes in the form of blisters. The blisters are clear, and they do not look like acne. If your child is dressed too warm they can get this rash on other parts of their body. It will clear up on its own but be sure to watch your baby’s temperature.

A common rash that most babies will suffer from is diapers rash. This can be a very serious rash if it isn’t managed correctly or left untreated. It is very irritating and can cause blisters, bleeding, dry flaky skin, and a lot of intense itching or burning. Diapers rash can be cured with diaper ointment, cleaning the skin, and wearing organic or cloth diapers. Normally this rash occurs when you introduce solid foods into your child’s diet.

A type of rash that occurs most often with males is baby acne, which is also called infantile acne or neonatal acne. This skin rash will go away on its own after time. Generally, it will occur during your newborn’s first 2 months after birth. It is caused by maternal hormones being exposed in the womb.

Taking care of your baby’s skin is very important. It is best to try to stop rashes before they occur or treat them when they do happen. Using diaper ointment, baby oils, lotions, and creams will help to soothe irritating rashes. Use baby oils that do not clog pores because that could cause a rash or increase irritation. Organic oils are soothing and won’t clog pores.

About the Author: Melanie Nader is the founder of the Homestead Company which makes premium quality natural skin care products including eczema oil and diaper ointment made with the finest 100% natural ingredients. For more information, visit

Baby Gifts for the Holidays

Everyone loves to spoil their children, grandchildren, nieces, nephews, brothers, and sisters. The holidays are a perfect reason to spoil a baby without feeling guilty about it. You can buy as many gifts as you want that will light up a big, bright smile on your baby’s face. You could even buy gifts that are good for your baby or a baby that you might be buying for. Keep in mind to buy gifts that are safe, healthy and age appropriate. Here are some ideas for baby gifts during the holidays.

Toys are great for babies and small children. They offer hours of entertainment, are fun to play with, and can also be educational. When buying toys, it is better to find a toy that your baby will benefit from. A lot of toys are designed to be educational. Also, you should look at all toys and check the age level which is included on most toy boxes. Small toys can be dangerous to small children. Check toys for any damages that could scratch your child or be swallowed.

Clothes are great gifts for any age. Baby clothes especially are so cute and good to give because babies go through so many changes during the day. They also grow so fast that they always need new outfits. Baby clothes also have the most festive holiday designs such as reindeer, snowflakes, angels, or Santa Claus. You can find organic clothes that are made with fabrics that won’t irritate or scratch your baby’s skin causing eczema flare ups.

Diapers and diaper ointment can become very expensive. Parents with small children and babies in diapers will appreciate a couple of packages of diapers and diaper ointment. It will help cut monthly costs spent on diapers. This may not seem like a fun gift, but the parents will really appreciate the help. Gifts don’t always have to be luxurious or fun; they can be items that are needed. If you decide to give diapers and/or ointment as a gift, buy organic products or cloth diapers that won’t cause a rash.

Gifts for a baby’s room are thoughtful and can last for years. You can give decorative pieces that will be cherished as the baby gets older too. You could give a night light, lamp, blanket, crib sheets, a rocking chair, or some other type of furniture. Another decorative piece that will surely be cherished is a stuffed animal. They sure have come a long way from the traditional teddy bear, and you can get any sort of stuffed animal. A lot of these gifts will be appreciated by the parents as well.

About the Author: Melanie Nader is the founder of the Homestead Company which makes premium quality natural skin care products including eczema oil and diaper ointment made with the finest 100% natural ingredients. For more information, visit

High Temperatures and Birth Rates in August

Late summer months and early fall months have the highest birth rates during the year. July, August, and September hold the highest records for new births. There are many factors that contribute to the hot months showing the most new births. A lot of families plan the birth of their new family member to coincide with the summer vacation plans, teachers plan for summer births when they have 2 to 3 months of vacation time, and cold winters lead to cuddling and other things with your better half.

Parents will have to stock up on sunscreen and bathing suits and things like diapers and diaper ointment during the summer. According to statistics by the National Health Center, August has the highest birth rates. Two states that are major contributors of this statistic are Mississippi and Louisiana; both states have high birth rates in the United States.

The most common day during the week that babies are born is the middle of the week, Wednesday. Weekends are popular for parents who are planning to have C-sections (cesarean delivery) or who are having their labor induced. A lot of planning goes into a pregnancy and birth because a lot of moms are working moms. Maternity leave is only 4 to 6 weeks and some parents make the choice to miss as little work as possible.

There are a lot of factors besides the month of the year or day of the week that affects birth rates. It is surprising that things such as government, religious, and social beliefs can affect birth rate. Some countries try to limit the size of a family or how many children can be born within a time period. Other countries give benefits or incentives for families that have more children, and as a result, those countries have high birth rates.

Some religions also teach that birth control using contraception is looked down upon. Religions that follow these teachings typically have higher birth rates than religions who don’t have guidelines or teachings about forms of birth control.

Economics and poverty rates are another factor in birth rates. People who can afford to have children usually have more births or plan to have a pregnancy at some point. This factor is somewhat contradictory in nature. Studies have shown that in high economic times birth rates are low for some families. On the other hand, countries with low poverty rates tend to have high birth rates because children are seen as a way to make money or help with family farms, businesses, or income for example.

The age of the parents can also affect how many children a family has. Typically most women have children before they are in their mid 30s. Younger couples usually start having kids early and tend to keep having children. Older couples or people who are remarried later in life tend not to have any more children.

About the Author: Melanie Nader is the founder of the Homestead Company which makes premium quality natural skin care products including eczema oil and diaper ointment made with the finest 100% natural ingredients. For more information, visit